Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday May 30, 1988
I got an A+ on my math test. Worked on a map of Europe for geography class. Granny came over.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday May 29, 1988
Paul's mom drove Paul and I to their friends' house to swim. The house was a gorgeous place on Old Colony Rd. That night I just watched TV and did homework.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday May 28, 1988
I woke up early and took Pepper for a long walk. Had breakfast and watched some of the French Open. In the afternoon I went to the JCC with Brad and Kamin. Paul and I then went to see Crocodile Dundee II and slept over at his place. (Relax Maureen, it was not that kind of sleepover!). The movie was so bad that I'm showing a scene from the first one here!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday May 27, 1988
Played some baseball - wall ball - with Ilan. Watched French Open tennis. Gabe and I went show shopping at Varda Shoes. Dan and I went to Steven's place to watch The Gate.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday May 26, 1988
My mom's 46th birthday. Gabe and I bought her a dustbuster - which was a pretty advanced technology at that time. Granny, the Zarvinsky's and Polischuk's came over. I ended up having a huge water fight with Steve and Marc E on the street. Watched French Open. Also rented Angel Heart to see Lisa Bonet naked.
Wednesday May 25, 1988
We had our first soccer game. Jared Berlin's dad was the coach and he put me in net for the second half of the game. We lost 3-2 and I let in 2 bad goals. I was a forward my whole life and here comes this guy determined to make me a goalie. It drove me nuts! Not to mention I took the bus to and from the game. Thanks mom! That night I watched The French Open and Who's The Boss.
Tuesday May 24, 1988
I wrote a French test and got 80% on my science test. Always hated science. Wrote a math test also. Then took out some aggression playing contact foot hockey at lunch. I played some baseball after school with Brian, Poster and Dan. Granny came over to our place for dinner.
Monday May 23, 1988
Victoria Day - No School! I played road hockey with the guys in the hood. Then I went to see Casual Sex at The Promenade. This was right when Andrew Dice Clay was about to be huge. I knew him from a tape of his live show given to me by ... can't remember who got me into him. That night I just went around the neighborhood with Ari Byrgel setting off firecrackers.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday May 22, 1988
Rosa left to go back to NYC. I played some road hockey with guys on the street. The Backman's, Zarvinsky's and Fishman's came over for a BBQ.
Saturday May 21, 1988
Ballboy tryouts for the Players International. I didn't go. Jenny (not sure which Jenny) had a party, but I didn't go. Dad, Rosa and I had lunch at La Semme and then went to The Promenade. The Zarvisky's, Simon Shatkin and others came over for dinner.
Friday May 20, 1988

I had a French exam but didn't go to school. My grandfather's funeral was at Benjamin's Park Memorial on Steeles. He was buried at Bathurst Lawn Memorial. The shiva was at our house. I seem to recall my dad disappearing for a bit and coming back pretty hammered ... which to this day is something I really resent.
Thursday May 19, 1988

My grandfather Isaac (Sasha) Shikman passed away at age 77. He had several heart attacks over the years and wasn't able to bounce back this time. I remember being asleep and waking up to the sound of my brother and parents crying downstairs in the kitchen. It was my first experience with death in my immediate circle of family and close friends. Gabe eventually came up and told me what happened. I actually didn't cry until a few days later.
My grandfather had 1 brother whom he lost on the first day (for Russia)of World War 2. He was short but cut from his youth, when he was a gymnast. My brother Gabe actually has Sasha's exact build. He taught me to play chess. I recall him sneaking off to smoke cigarettes which he was hiding from my granny. When he got mad he would get red in the face. He took me to my first Maple Leafs game. He loved driving his burgundy Pontiac. He was a snazzy dresser - clothes always ironed and perfectly tailored. I remember him walking to the JCC to give me money for lunch. My grandmother never dated another man after he died.
I did end up going to school that day. There were supposed to be track & field team tryouts - but they were postponed. I took the bus home with Gary Don. When I got home Rosa (my mom's cousin from New York), Rudolph (my granny's brother from Philadelphia), his wife Sonya and his son Alex all came and stayed at our place. I slept on the couch.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wednesday May 18, 1988
More contact foot hockey. We also played baseball in gym class. Man, I miss the days when sports and physical activity were a big chunk of the day! I went over to Gary's place after school and then went to our first soccer practice (Mark too). The Stanley Cup Finals started - Edmonton beat Boston 2-1. Grandpa went back to the hospital feeling very sick.
Tuesday May 17, 1988
We played foot hockey at lunch but added contact against the boards. Traded hockey cards at lunch with Evan, Ryan, Milberg and Tesis. Cliff and Brian did their geography presentation. That night I watched The American Comedy Awards. Blake Edwards received a Lifetime Creative Achievemnt Award.
Monday May 16, 1988
I got a B+ on my Family Studies test. We made pizza in the class that day. I spent lunch trading hockey cards with Dan Hoffman. Mom and I went grocery shopping at Highland Farms, and then went to see grandparents.
Sunday May 15, 1988
Played road hockey with Steve, Brian, Dan and Avi. I went over to Zak's with Steve - played with his race track. I have no idea who Zak is, but sweet race track! Watched TV.
Saturday May 14, 1988
I took the bus alone to Sports Connection to buy hockey cards. The whole family, including grandparents, went to La Semme for lunch. Played road hockey on our street with Dan, Avi, Gabe and Brian. Boston beat NJ 6-2.
Friday May 13, 1988
Wrote a science test. Played foot hockey at lunch. After school Evan, Cliff, Jakub, Brian and I played road hockey. That night I watched 20/20.
Thursday May 12, 1988
Stayed home from school again. Went to visit grandparents. Studied for the science test. Watched NJ beat Boston 6-3, as well as Night Court, Cheers and The Cosby Show.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wednesday May 11, 1988
I wasn't feeling great so mom let me stay home from school. Did I stay in bed, or relax by the TV? Nope, I helped mom paint the fence. Then I cleaned my room and organized my drawers. Mom ordered Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner. Studied science. Steven and I played keep away with Pepper. I watched Edmonton beat Detroit 8-4.
Tuesday May 10, 1988
Played some intense red ass at lunch. I skipped gym class and presented in French class. I went over to Cliff's after school and we watched some after school special called Who Gets The Friends?. Gabe and I played ping-pong and chess.
Monday May 9, 1988
Sunday May 8, 1988
Mother's Day. Granny came over to our house. Did French and science homework. Steve and I went for a bike ride down to Dairy Queen. Watched New Jersey beat Boston 3-1.
Saturday May 7, 1988
Gary, Yves and I went to Burger King for lunch and then went to York University for ballboy tryouts (for the Players Internation Tournament in August). Paul and I went to see Beetlejuice at Town & Country. Detroit beat Edmonton 5-2.
Friday May 6, 1988
Family Studies Test. I skipped music class. I then got suspended from the first baseball game. I can't remember for sure, but this might have been the time that I got kicked out of the baseball game by Mr. Goldberg and "mooned" him (which he ended up seeing), leading to a visit to the principal's office. A bunch of people on my street played road hockey - Gabe, Steve, Ilan, Dan, and Brian. That night I watched Boston 6 New Jersey 1.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Thursday May 5, 1988
Garbage Day. We cleaned out our desks and the classroom. Brian and Brett played tennis at lunch and I just hung out courtside. After school Brian, Brett, Cliff, Dan, another Brian, Steven and I played road hockey. Edmonton beat Detroit 5-3.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Wednesday May 4, 1988
Gary and I finally did our geography presentation. Ms. Genrich absolutely loved it and we got 95% on it. It was actually one of the best things I did in elementary school, and although Gary definitely gets a lot of credit, I definitely contributed my share. A bunch of us played baseball at lunch. Took the bus home with Gary Don and Craig(?). The Devils beat Boston 3-2.
Tuesday May 3, 1988
Gary and I went to Harvey's for lunch. I handed in my soccer application. I played road hockey after school with Brian, Tesis, Cliff, Gary, Ryan, Ulrich, and Evan. That night I watched the Oilers beat Detroit 4-1.
Sunday May 1, 1988
Gary came over and we did the recording for our geography project (which we turned into a play). I definitely recall some Bob Marley on the soundtrack. We went over to Brian's later and played hockey with Steven, Dan and Aaron (I have no idea who most of these people are). That night I watched Married With Children and Family Ties.
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