We played a marathon road hockey game on Windsor Court. Watched From The Hip. Had dinner with the Bermans and spent the night there. Watched New Year celebration from Time Square in NYC.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday December 31, 1987
We played a marathon road hockey game on Windsor Court. Watched From The Hip. Had dinner with the Bermans and spent the night there. Watched New Year celebration from Time Square in NYC.
Wednesday December 30, 1987
Gary & I worked on History at Cliff's. Played road hockey. Watched the Whalers 3 Leafs 1.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tuesday December 29, 1987
My parents went to Buffalo for the day. I took Pepper for a long walk. Read my book. I listened to the Rangers vs. Isles on the radio.
Monday December 28, 1987
I went to play shini w/Kamin, Katzin & Mark Owen. In the afternoon I went to the Promenade with parents. That night I watched the Capitals 4 Leafs 4.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday December 27, 1987
Did work on History Project @ Cliff's. We played road hockey after. I went shopping with mom. Leah and Izzy came over to our house for dinner. Watched TV.
Saturday December 26, 1987
Boxing Day. Rented Something Wild. Cleaned all of Pepper's frozen shits in the backyard. Went for a long walk with Pepper. Watched Habs 4 Leafs 1.
Friday December 25, 1987
Christmas. Watched TV. I went to play road hockey at Rockford. I used to go with my stick and wait to be invited by Zeev and the Newtonbrook guys that would play at the tennis courts. Did some work on my History project.
Thursday December 24, 1987
In the afternoon I watched Diner - great movie! Did school work. Watched TV. Parents had a huge fight ... Mom, Gabe and I ended up leaving the house and going to sleep at the Emerald Isle Motel. Whenever I would drive by the place after I would think of that brutal Christmas Eve.
Wednesday December 23, 1987
We worked on our history project at Cliff's place. Played road hockey on Windsor Court w/Gary, Cliff, Tesis, Ryan, etc. John Songaila, my dad's partner at the time, came over for a dinner with his new wife. I watched Leafs 5 ST Louis 1.
Tuesday December 22, 1987
I went to play shini @ Double Rinks w/Long. That night I rented Hoosiers and listened to the NYR game on radio (I wasn't a Rangers fan, so this must have been because I had a Ranger in my hockey pool). To this day Hoosiers is still one of my all-time favourite sports movies. Check out the 'slow clap' in this scene!
Monday December 21, 1987
Christmas Break started. I spent the day hanging w/Pepper. I also worked on my science project (I hated science projects - always came up with most basic, shitty projects for the Science Fair ... like 1 bristol board of plagiarized stuff ... where as other kids with parents that helped them came in with working volcanoes and shit). Watched TV.
Sunday December 20, 1987
I went to see 3 Men and A Baby at Bayview Village. Did work on my History presentation. Got into a big fight with my dad at dinner. Listened to the Rangers game on radio.
Saturday December 19, 1987
I went to Gary's hockey game. There was a major snowstorm. I slept over at Gary's again. Gary, his brother Marc and I went out for a walk and went on a snowball rampage. Awesome night.
Friday December 18, 1987
French Test. A bunch of us walked to Harvey's for lunch. I went skating after school. Cara Lurie had a party at her place. I slept over at Gary's house.
Wednesday December 16, 1987
Chanukkah began. Had enriched math class (clearly someone was pretty proud of being 'enriched'). Did homework. Spoke to Jordi on the phone.
Tuesday December 15, 1987
I ate lunch at Singer's place. We watched the school's Winter Concert. That night watched the Caps beat the Leafs.
Monday December 14, 1987
Process Writing #4 due. Ate at McDonald's - wow this is getting kinda scary. Watched TV.
Sunday December 13, 1987
Cleaned the backyard. Handed out flyers with Gabe. Went to gym with dad. Watched TV.
Saturday December 12, 1987
Gabe and I grabbed breakfast at McDonald's. I went to the public library with Gary and Cliff. Long & I went to the Leafs v. Rangers game; saw Kamin/Jordi … Ryan got a puck from James Patrick his favourite player) and we ended up meeting practically every player.
Friday December 11, 1987
I got my first term report card:
A (Math/Art)
B (History/French/Science/Industrial Arts)
C (Gym)
D (Music)
Mom came in and met with Mr. Lewinsky - and thought he was great (albeit a bit of a schlep)! That night we saw Throw Momma From The Train with my folks at The Promenade.
A (Math/Art)
B (History/French/Science/Industrial Arts)
C (Gym)
D (Music)
Mom came in and met with Mr. Lewinsky - and thought he was great (albeit a bit of a schlep)! That night we saw Throw Momma From The Train with my folks at The Promenade.
Thursday December 10, 1987
French journal due. Went to lunch @ McD's w/Ulrich, Alpern, Brett, Gary, Elana and Robyn. Toni Shapanis the crazy bully from Highland was there and everyone was scared shit.
Wednesday December 9, 1987
We had a class trip to Unionville. Ryan Long came back. Our team played volleyball against a team made up of the teachers. I listened to Habs v. NYR on radio.
Tuesday December 8, 1987
I started the enriched math class. I got kicked out of band class. That night I watched the Barbara Walter's special w/Eddie Murphy (no furniture).
Monday December 7, 1987
I ate lunch at school. Summit Week began. I watched special with Yakov Smirnoff. 20 years later we get Borat.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sunday December 6, 1987
We had a big breakfast at Evan's place. Gary & I went to Cliff's to study for history class. Watched TV.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Saturday December 5, 1987
Played ping-pong with Gabe. I went to Soles, Sluggers and Town & Country to find Evan a birthday gift. Evan Newman's B-Day. He had awesome parties and I remember this one well. Evan had a great room in the basement where you could have half-court ball hockey. Played a bunch of hockey, watched movies and then Al, Ulrich, Poster, Gasee and I all slept over. Hilarious night. Stayed up making fun of each other and pulling pranks.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Friday December 4, 1987
PA DAY. I played shini at Double Rinks w/Ron. Watched TV. Worked on school projects.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Thursday December 3, 1987
We played our first volleyball tournament - coming in 4th place. Brian and I were benched for being late (amazing how much both of us changed over the years). We ended up beating Woodlands, Baythorn and Bercy(?) but lost to Unionville.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Wednesday December 2, 1987
I had lunch at Singer's. Aother volleyball practice - I got #24 shirt ... 24!!!?? Weird. Ryan Long went to Florida (obviously short on my own material that day). Watched TV.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday November 30, 1987
Book Report Due. I ate lunch at Singer's place. Played volleyball. Dad and I played ping-pong.
Sunday November 29, 1987
I went to dad's gym w/him. He played squash and I just swam and chilled in the sauna. Did homework. I watched a bit of the Grey Cup Final. The Argos lost to the Edmonton Eskimos. I listened to the Rangers game on AM radio.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday November 28, 1987

Bram Rubinoff's Bar-Mitzvah. I went to see Leafs 2 Whalers 4 @ Maple Leaf Gardens w/Paul, Katzin, Guy, and Brett Massey. We waited in the special spot (that I discovered a few years earlier!) to get the visiting team autographs. We got all the key players, including Ron Francis and Kevin Dineen.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday November 27, 1987
We made these mini-hockey sticks in our IA class with Mr. Mallette. Ended up playing mini-hockey with Gary, Ryan, etc. and then we hatched the idea to go into business creating these little sticks. 20 years a 20 million dollars later ... um ... no ... somehow our mini-stick empire never actually got off the ground. However, I think I might still hold the patent!
I got A+ on my Math Test (A+ get so dull after a while!).
Played road hockey after school w/ Bri, Poster, Ron, Evan, Tesis, Al, Singer, & Ulrich. Weird ... I can't picture Singer with a hockey stick in his hands.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday November 26, 1987
Wednesday November 24, 1987
Finally had our first volleyball exhibition game vs. Willowbrook. We beat their asses 3 to 1. I faintly recall spiking the ball into Sid Lisser and Shawn Saltzman. Felt amazing! Leafs beat Rangers 5-3.
Tuesday November 24, 1987
Friday, November 23, 2007
Monday November 23, 1987
Sunday November 22, 1987
Bryan Ulrich's Bar-Mitzvah. Brian & I went public skating. That night Ron & I hung out at Ulrich's place.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saturday November 21, 1987
I was invited to 3 Bar-Mitzvah's on the same day: Katzin's, Singer's & M Levine's. I went to Dave's which was OK and then went to Katzin's which was great! Ended up spending most of the night with Tammy, Bresgi, and Nikki Jacobs.
Friday November 20, 1987
We had a class trip to Roy Thompson Hall. We had a debating competition and I won my debate on free trade. A bunch of us played foot hockey after school. Played outside in the backyard with Pepper.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday November 18, 1987
Current Events Project Due. We played some intense Red Ass at lunch. Volleyball practice after school. Gabe and I played some marathon ping-pong matches.
Tuesday November 17, 1987
I went over to Singer's place for lunch. I got an A+ on the French Test. After school I hung out at Markham Place with Ron Fleming. Watched TV.
Monday November 16, 1987
We started houseleague volleyball at school. I got a detention with Mr. Lewinsky - our new homeroom teacher. That night I watched Hartford vs. Montreal.
Sunday November 15, 1987
Lazy Sunday. Watched TV. I did some work in the yard - raked leaves etc. I worked on my current events project. It was the hockey pool trading deadline. I believe I had Yzerman and Gary had Savard.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday November 14, 1987
Bram Goldstein's Bar-Mitzvah - which was great! Played road hockey w/Marc, Steve, and Ilan on my street. Handed out some more flyers with Gabe. Cleaned my room.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday November 13, 1987
French Dictee. Another volleyball practice (sheesh ... dd we ever play games?). Talked to Jordi on the phone. I watched Miami Vice - in my mind it was by far the coolest cop show to hit the boob-tube. It's no surprise that Michael Mann went on to direct a bunch of unbelievable films.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday November 12, 1987
I got a detention after school with Fish ... can't recall who that is but what a dick/bitch? After that when down to Windsor Court to play road hockey w/Cliff, Tesis, Newman & Brian. That night I watched the Winipeg Jets vs. NJ Devils.
Wednesday November 11, 1987
Tuesday November 10, 1987
I played soccer at lunch with Gary, Cliff, Poster, Jakub, Singer and Brian. Started playing the trumpet in music (was given my instrument to take home). Did homework.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Monday November 9, 1987
Rememberance Day speech tryouts. I went for lunch at Singer's. The guys VBall team played the girls team. I watched Gotcha (ironically we played the Gotcha game at work this week).
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sunday November 8, 1987
Garage sale day 2. Played ping-pong. Watched TV. Spoke to friends on the phone.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Saturday November 7, 1987
I made $12 at our garage sale (which is like $100 today). Watched hockey on TV. I took Pepper for a major walk in G Ross Lord park. Gabe & I picked up his car from the shop and then went to visit our grandparents.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Friday November 6, 1987
French Test. I got a 92% on the history test. Played baseball at lunch - got into a scrap w/Bri ... not sure how I have managed to stay friends with that pain in the ass. I watched Sixteen Candles. Oh sexy girlfriend !!! Love that Long Duk-dong!!!
Thursday November 5, 1987
We played baseball at lunch. Had a basketball try-out after school. I took the bus home with Gary Don. Went to Peter's for a haircut ... this was a place I was getting my hair cut since I was about 6 years old. The Karry boys were also fans. Watched TV.
Wednesday November 4, 1987
Math & History Pop Quizes (got a B+ on the math). Another volleyball practice. I went to Markham Place w/Briski. Watched the Leaf game.
Tuesday November 3, 1987
I actually made the first cuts in basketball. I had volleyball practice after school. Played ping-pong with Gabe. I traded Federko/Simmer for Goulet/Kerr in my hockey pool ... sweet move!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Monday November 2, 1987
Handed in my science lab book & project. I went over to Singer's place for dinner. We ended up watching The Breakfast Club - one of the touchstone films of my youth. John Hughes rocks my world! Dave lent me a few Beatles tapes (Revolver, Abbey Road).
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sunday November 1, 1987
Delivered mom's flyers with Gabe (is it me or were there some child labour law violations being broken here). Mom & I went out for lunch then back to grandma's place. The Zarvinsky's came over for dinner.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday Octoer 30, 1987
Handed in my book report (no idea which book). I had aother volleyball practice. You guessed it ... watched TV.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday October 29, 1987
I went to McDonald's for lunch with Ulrich. That night I watched the Leafs shut down Mario Lemieux and the Penguins 4-0.
Wednesday October 28, 1987
Tuesday October 27, 1987
I went to Maple Leaf Gardens after school with Ryan Long and got tickets at the box office for Quebec, Washington & Rangers. Did homework and watched TV.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Monday October 26, 1987
Basketball tryouts ... no chance of making it though ... Goldberg hated me. Volleyball practice after school and then worked on my book report. Got into an argument with Brian.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunday October 25, 1987
I went to the Fun Fair @ Willowbrook with Guy, Jordi and Paul. Did homework and watched the World Series. It was the St.Louis Cardinals playing the Minnesota Twins - the first time to ever have a World Series game indoors. Parents came back home from their Greece/Israel trip.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Saturday October 24, 1987
Got up early to help mom go handing out flyers door-to-door. Alpern's Bar-Mitzvah at the Chimo Hotel. That was the first time I met his dad. I remmber playing some pretty solid nicky-9-doors in the hotel with Ulrich and others. Later in the afternoon I went to The Promenade w/Gabe.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Friday October 23rd, 1987
IA drawings due. French journal due. French Test. After school I helped mom by handing out flyers in the neighborhood.
Thursday October 22nd, 1987
Hot Dog money due??? (Not sure what that's all about!) Andrea Kauffman's Birthday. Played baseball after school. Did homework.
Wednesday October 21, 1987
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tuesday October 20, 1987
Science Project Presentation ... went OK. There was a handball tournament and my team came 3rd. Went over to Steve's place Marc Epstein. Steve told us about how his sister kept getting in trouble for sticking various things in her private areas. It was kind of a nasty mental image but it stuck with me for 20 years. Weird how some things take a firm hold in your mind and kind of just settle there for good.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Monday October 19, 1987
Ate at school. Not sure why I keep writing that. Who really cares where the hell I ate my lunch. Maybe it is symbolic of the fact Hart and I were growing apart. Eating at school as in not eating at Hart's? Played road hockey after school with Brian, Gary, Ryan, etc. Did homework.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Saturday October 17, 1987
I ran errands with mom. Gabe and I were invited over to the Centner's for dinner. I remember a big scene at the dinner table when Gabe used the wrong fork with his salad. Clearly Steven had taught Sebastien the right approach and he was watching Gabe and then called it out when Gabe fucked up. I just remember Steven getting pissed and saying "Big fucking deal Sebastien!" They lived on Poplar Plains and it was possibly the nicest house I had ever been in at the time.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday October 16, 1987
We played baseball at lunch. I had French & Spelling Tests. After school in the library we drafted a hockey pool. Gary Berman ended up winning with Denis Savard as his best player. I came in 2nd with Steve Yzerman as my best player. Brian being the naive rookie took Shane 'I hear this guy is the next Gretzky' Corson in the 1st round! I think I remember why Briski hasn't entered a hockey pool since!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thursday October 15, 1987
Ate at school. Played baseball at lunch and after school. Took the bus home with Don. (Who the hell is Don?) Did homework.
Wednesday October 14, 1987
A bunch of us played baseball at lunch. I had my first volleyball practice after school and then hung out with Ari and Ilan Weinreb. That night I watched the Leafs beat the North Stars. Brophy was a bum!
Skaters Regular Season Playoffs
# Player Name Birthdate Age Pos. GP G A Pts PIM GP G A Pts PIM
16 Ed Olczyk 1966-08-16 21 C 80 42 33 75 55 6 5 4 9 2
11 Gary Leeman 1964-02-19 24 R 80 30 31 61 62 2 2 0 2 2
12 Mark Osborne 1961-08-13 26 L 79 23 37 60 102 6 1 3 4 16
33 Al Iafrate 1966-03-21 21 D 77 22 30 52 80 6 3 4 7 6
19 Tom Fergus 1962-06-16 25 C 63 19 31 50 81 6 2 3 5 2
9 Russ Courtnall 1965-01-02 23 R 65 23 26 49 47 6 2 1 3 0
10 Vincent Damphousse 1967-12-17 20 C 75 12 36 48 40 6 0 1 1 10
20 Al Secord 1958-03-03 30 L 74 15 27 42 221 6 1 0 1 16
14 Miroslav Frycer 1959-09-27 28 F 38 12 20 32 41 3 0 0 0 6
18 Peter Ihnacak 1957-05-03 30 F 68 10 20 30 41 5 0 3 3 4
4 Rick Lanz 1961-09-16 26 D 75 6 22 28 65 1 0 0 0 2
21 Borje Salming 1951-04-17 36 D 66 2 24 26 82 6 1 3 4 8
23 Todd Gill 1965-11-09 22 D 65 8 17 25 131 6 1 3 4 20
3 Dale DeGray 1963-09-03 24 D 56 6 18 24 63 5 0 1 1 16
17 Wendel Clark 1966-10-25 21 L 28 12 11 23 80 -- -- -- -- --
7 Greg Terrion 1960-05-02 27 F 59 4 16 20 65 5 0 2 2 4
24 Dan Daoust 1960-02-29 28 C 67 9 8 17 57 4 0 0 0 2
8 Sean McKenna From Los Angeles 1962-03-07 26 F 40 5 5 10 12 2 0 0 0 0
2 Luke Richardson 1969-03-26 18 D 78 4 6 10 90 2 0 0 0 0
15 Ken Yaremchuk 1964-01-01 24 F 16 2 5 7 10 6 0 2 2 10
22 Mike Blaisdell 1960-01-18 28 R 18 3 2 5 2 6 1 2 3 10
27 Dave Semenko 1957-07-12 30 L 70 2 3 5 107 -- -- -- -- --
31 Ken Wregget 1964-03-25 23 G 56 0 5 5 40 2 0 0 0 2
26 Chris Kotsopoulos 1958-11-27 29 D 21 2 2 4 19 -- -- -- -- --
Mike Allison To Los Angeles 1961-03-28 26 F 15 0 3 3 10 -- -- -- -- --
30 Allan Bester 1964-03-26 23 G 30 0 3 3 6 5 0 0 0 0
35 Marty Dallman 1963-02-05 25 C 2 0 1 1 0 -- -- -- -- --
28 Leigh Verstraete 1962-01-06 26 F 3 0 1 1 9 -- -- -- -- --
28 Brian Curran From NY Islanders 1963-11-05 24 D 7 0 1 1 19 6 0 0 0 41
34 Ted Fauss 1961-06-30 26 D 13 0 1 1 4 -- -- -- -- --
25 Mike Stothers From Philadelphia 1962-02-22 26 D 18 0 1 1 42 -- -- -- -- --
Terry Johnson 1958-11-28 29 D 3 0 0 0 10
Daniel Marois 1968-10-03 19 R 3 1 0 1 0
32 Wes Jarvis 1958-05-30 29 F 1 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- --
15 Derek Laxdal 1966-02-21 22 R 5 0 0 0 6 -- -- -- -- --
1 Jeff Reese 1966-03-24 21 G 5 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- --
32 Chris McRae 1965-08-26 22 L 11 0 0 0 65 -- -- -- -- --
Totals 273 446 719 1754
Player Name GP Min GA GAA W L T Svs Pct EN SO
Allan Bester 30 1607 102 3.81 8 12 5 776 0.884 1 2
Jeff Reese 5 249 17 4.10 1 2 1 111 0.867 0 0
Ken Wregget 56 3000 222 4.44 12 35 4 1487 0.87 3 2
Skaters Regular Season Playoffs
# Player Name Birthdate Age Pos. GP G A Pts PIM GP G A Pts PIM
16 Ed Olczyk 1966-08-16 21 C 80 42 33 75 55 6 5 4 9 2
11 Gary Leeman 1964-02-19 24 R 80 30 31 61 62 2 2 0 2 2
12 Mark Osborne 1961-08-13 26 L 79 23 37 60 102 6 1 3 4 16
33 Al Iafrate 1966-03-21 21 D 77 22 30 52 80 6 3 4 7 6
19 Tom Fergus 1962-06-16 25 C 63 19 31 50 81 6 2 3 5 2
9 Russ Courtnall 1965-01-02 23 R 65 23 26 49 47 6 2 1 3 0
10 Vincent Damphousse 1967-12-17 20 C 75 12 36 48 40 6 0 1 1 10
20 Al Secord 1958-03-03 30 L 74 15 27 42 221 6 1 0 1 16
14 Miroslav Frycer 1959-09-27 28 F 38 12 20 32 41 3 0 0 0 6
18 Peter Ihnacak 1957-05-03 30 F 68 10 20 30 41 5 0 3 3 4
4 Rick Lanz 1961-09-16 26 D 75 6 22 28 65 1 0 0 0 2
21 Borje Salming 1951-04-17 36 D 66 2 24 26 82 6 1 3 4 8
23 Todd Gill 1965-11-09 22 D 65 8 17 25 131 6 1 3 4 20
3 Dale DeGray 1963-09-03 24 D 56 6 18 24 63 5 0 1 1 16
17 Wendel Clark 1966-10-25 21 L 28 12 11 23 80 -- -- -- -- --
7 Greg Terrion 1960-05-02 27 F 59 4 16 20 65 5 0 2 2 4
24 Dan Daoust 1960-02-29 28 C 67 9 8 17 57 4 0 0 0 2
8 Sean McKenna From Los Angeles 1962-03-07 26 F 40 5 5 10 12 2 0 0 0 0
2 Luke Richardson 1969-03-26 18 D 78 4 6 10 90 2 0 0 0 0
15 Ken Yaremchuk 1964-01-01 24 F 16 2 5 7 10 6 0 2 2 10
22 Mike Blaisdell 1960-01-18 28 R 18 3 2 5 2 6 1 2 3 10
27 Dave Semenko 1957-07-12 30 L 70 2 3 5 107 -- -- -- -- --
31 Ken Wregget 1964-03-25 23 G 56 0 5 5 40 2 0 0 0 2
26 Chris Kotsopoulos 1958-11-27 29 D 21 2 2 4 19 -- -- -- -- --
Mike Allison To Los Angeles 1961-03-28 26 F 15 0 3 3 10 -- -- -- -- --
30 Allan Bester 1964-03-26 23 G 30 0 3 3 6 5 0 0 0 0
35 Marty Dallman 1963-02-05 25 C 2 0 1 1 0 -- -- -- -- --
28 Leigh Verstraete 1962-01-06 26 F 3 0 1 1 9 -- -- -- -- --
28 Brian Curran From NY Islanders 1963-11-05 24 D 7 0 1 1 19 6 0 0 0 41
34 Ted Fauss 1961-06-30 26 D 13 0 1 1 4 -- -- -- -- --
25 Mike Stothers From Philadelphia 1962-02-22 26 D 18 0 1 1 42 -- -- -- -- --
Terry Johnson 1958-11-28 29 D 3 0 0 0 10
Daniel Marois 1968-10-03 19 R 3 1 0 1 0
32 Wes Jarvis 1958-05-30 29 F 1 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- --
15 Derek Laxdal 1966-02-21 22 R 5 0 0 0 6 -- -- -- -- --
1 Jeff Reese 1966-03-24 21 G 5 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- --
32 Chris McRae 1965-08-26 22 L 11 0 0 0 65 -- -- -- -- --
Totals 273 446 719 1754
Player Name GP Min GA GAA W L T Svs Pct EN SO
Allan Bester 30 1607 102 3.81 8 12 5 776 0.884 1 2
Jeff Reese 5 249 17 4.10 1 2 1 111 0.867 0 0
Ken Wregget 56 3000 222 4.44 12 35 4 1487 0.87 3 2
Tuesday October 13, 1987
Good news:I made it on the volleyball team!
Bad news: I got a C+ on the election project.
Bad news: I got a C+ on the election project.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Monday October 12, 1987
Thanksgiving holiday ... parents out of town but my mother never made turkey dinners anyway and still to this day 20 years later ... no turkey dinner in my house. I did rent Burglar to compensate though ... Whoopi Goldberg in her prime ... I guess I got a turkey after all! That night I slept over at my grandparent's place.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sunday October 11, 1987
Gabe, Stu Cohen, Kamin & I went to see In The Mood at Thornhill Square. I seem to recall the tickets costing $2.50! Also who knew that Patrick Dempsey would go on to become a major TV star ... like 15 years later! Paul came over to our place after for dinner and lots of ping-pong. He was famous for trying to make you choke by announcing "huge point" when it came down to crunch time in a game. I still beat him.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Saturday October 10, 1987
I went to see Like Father Like Son @ Promenade w/Jordi, Mark Owen, Brett Massey and Paul. That night I stayed home and rented Stardust Memories and Paradise Motel. In this clip, spot a young Sharon Stone.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Friday October 9, 1987
Wrote a math quiz. We had volleyball tryouts #2. Did homwork. Watched TV. Uh-oh ... not liking this pattern.
Thursday October 8, 1987
Went out for lunch w/Gary and Brian. Did homework. Watched TV. Hey, not every day of my life was publishing worthy ... excuse moi.
Wednesday October 7, 1987
Dad's 46th Birthday. We had a history pop quiz ... did well. Volleyball team tryouts ... I was extra inspired after watching the pro's the night before. Played ping-pong w/Gabe.
Tuesday October 6, 1987
I went for lunch with Gary, Perki, Brian and Yves to McDonald's. That night Gabe took me to York University to watch Canada v. Cuba in Volleyball. I didn't write down the score but I seem to recall Cuba whooping us.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Monday October 5, 1987
I hosted a ping-pong tournament at my house and then we all went for lunch at McDonald's. The final results were:
1st - Gary
2nd - Ron
3rd - Me
Non-finalists: Ulrich, Poster, Alpern
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Sunday October 4, 1987
Parents left on trip to Greece & Israel. I washed dad's car for him. I watched the Jays get eliminated by the Detroit Tigers. Andrea K (Gabe's secret girlfriend at the time) came over. Gabe actually might have lost his virginity that night ... but he won't confirm or deny ... or simply doesn't remember considering he can barely remember what he had for breakfast this morning. Watched TV.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Saturday October 3, 1987
Thursday October 1, 1987
Wrote a history test. My science chart was due. We began doing seed experiments in science. I went to The Promenade with mom.
Wednesday September 30, 1987
Packed a lunch and ate at school for the 1st time this year. Got into a fight with Hart. Watched TV. Zama, the Zarvinsky's and grandparents came over to celebrate a belated birthday for Gabe.
Tuesday September 29, 1987
I had lunch at Milberg's place.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday September 28, 1987
Gabe's 17th Birthday! Grandparent's and Mania came over for a celebration dinner.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunday September 27, 1987
Did some shopping and cleaned my room. The Centner's & Zarvinsky's came over for dinner.
Saturday September 26, 1987
I went to the Promenade with Jordi and had lunch at Made In Japan. Back then it was a relatively new concept and it was delicious! Hung around in the neighborhood with Marc & Ari that night. Gave Gabe his birthday present.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday September 25, 1987
I finished reading Tom Sawyer. I tried to convince myself that I liked it because I knew it was a classic, but the truth was that I was pretty disinterested in the whole story and didn't really get the language. I also went to Peter's for a haircut and went to the bank. Played some ping-pong with Gabe. Started reading A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (another book I didn't really get into - even though I felt like I should have).
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday September 24, 1987
ROSH HASHANAH. I played tennis w/Ulrich, then he came over to watch Black Widow. That night I went to the Leaf game; saw Detroit v. Toronto (we won 4-3). Unfortunately, I'm not sure who I went to the game with.
Wednesday September 23, 1987

Spelling Test. Watched The Bedroom Window and Head of Class on TV. Ulrich came with me on the bus home - Steeles East 53 then transfer over to Steeles West 60 at Yonge & Steeles.
Tuesday September 22, 1987
Had lunch with Brian, Perki, Hart, Ulrich and Tesis. On the way back to school Ulrich & Tesis got into a mini-scrap. Handed in my election project.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Monday September 21, 1987
I went to McDonald's for lunch with Hart, Paul Tesis and Ulrich. We first went to the Miracle and pulled a scam where we grab empty bottles from under the counter and then just return them again and get back the deposits. Went grocery shopping with mom
after school.
after school.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sunday September 20, 1987
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Saturday September 19, 1987
Hart & I went to own & Country to see The Pick Up Artist. That was the begining of the end of Molly Ringwald's career. Then we went back to my place and played ping-pong. Mom came home from New York.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Friday September 18, 1987
A group of us went to McDonald's for lunch. Nikki Lax had a party at her place. I remember 2 things: 1. That was the height of wearing pins in our pants. 2. I ended up sitting in a closet with Monique and never made a move.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday September 17, 1987
Went over to Hart's for lunch again. Mom flew to New York for Tanya's funeral.
Wednesday September 16, 1987
I went to Hart's for lunch. We played some serious Red-Ass after school. I did some homework and watched 'Head of the Class'. Tzotsa Tanya (Rosa's mom) in Brooklyn committed suicide. She was my grandfather's (on my mother's side) 1st cousin. My family - particularly my granddad - were really heartbroken.
Tuesday September 15, 1987
Hart & I went to Singer's to do homework and watch TV. Canada Cup Game 3 Final - Canada 6 Russia 5. This is considered by many (at least of my generation) to be the greatest display of hockey ever. The first time Gretzky and Lemieux played on the same side.
Forwards and Defense: Glenn Anderson, Dale Hawerchuk, Mark Messier, Mike Gartner, Kevin Dineen, Michel Goulet, Brent Sutter, Rick Tocchet, Brian Propp, Doug Gilmour, Claude Lemieux, Mario Lemieux, Wayne Gretzky, Doug Crossman, Craig Hartsburg, Normand Rochefort, James Patrick, Raymond Bourque, Larry Murphy, Paul Coffey
Goaltenders: Ron Hextall, Kelly Hrudey, Grant Fuhr
Coaches: Mike Keenan, John Muckler, Jean Perron, Tom Watt
Forwards and Defense: Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexei Gusarov, Igor Stelnov, Vasily Pervukhin, Mikhail Tatarinov, Alexei Kasatonov, Sergei Starikov, Anatoli Fedotov, Igor Kravchuk, Andrei Chistiakov, Yuri Khmylev, Vladimir Krutov, Andrei Lomakin, Igor Larionov, Valeri Kamensky, Andrei Khomutov, Sergei Svetlov, Alexander Semak, Sergei Kharin, Sergei Nemchinov, Sergei Makarov, Vyacheslav Bykov, Gerhan Volgin, Anatoly Semenov, Mikhail Kravets
Goaltenders: Vitali Samoilov, Sergei Mylnikov, Evgeny Belosheikin
Coaches: Viktor Tikhonov, Igor Dmitriev
Forwards and Defense: Glenn Anderson, Dale Hawerchuk, Mark Messier, Mike Gartner, Kevin Dineen, Michel Goulet, Brent Sutter, Rick Tocchet, Brian Propp, Doug Gilmour, Claude Lemieux, Mario Lemieux, Wayne Gretzky, Doug Crossman, Craig Hartsburg, Normand Rochefort, James Patrick, Raymond Bourque, Larry Murphy, Paul Coffey
Goaltenders: Ron Hextall, Kelly Hrudey, Grant Fuhr
Coaches: Mike Keenan, John Muckler, Jean Perron, Tom Watt
Forwards and Defense: Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexei Gusarov, Igor Stelnov, Vasily Pervukhin, Mikhail Tatarinov, Alexei Kasatonov, Sergei Starikov, Anatoli Fedotov, Igor Kravchuk, Andrei Chistiakov, Yuri Khmylev, Vladimir Krutov, Andrei Lomakin, Igor Larionov, Valeri Kamensky, Andrei Khomutov, Sergei Svetlov, Alexander Semak, Sergei Kharin, Sergei Nemchinov, Sergei Makarov, Vyacheslav Bykov, Gerhan Volgin, Anatoly Semenov, Mikhail Kravets
Goaltenders: Vitali Samoilov, Sergei Mylnikov, Evgeny Belosheikin
Coaches: Viktor Tikhonov, Igor Dmitriev
Friday, September 14, 2007
Monday Setember 14, 1987
McDonald's w/Hart, Ron, Jody Berman, Shelly P, Monique, Alpern, Yves, Jon Cohen & Thomas. Lendl beat Wilander in US Open final: 6-7, 6-0, 7-6, 6-4.
Sunday September 13, 1987
I finished my homework. Went over to the Zarvinsky's new house for Tzippy's birthday party. Gabe, Max, Tzippy & I ended up seeing Adventures in Babysitting @ Hillcrest Mall.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Saturday September 12, 1987
I went over to Amy Osher's house w/Tammy and Hart. I watched an epic US Open match - Wilander defeated Edberg.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday September 11, 1987
Terry Fox Run. French oral test (dictee). Ron & I had lunch @ Hart's (Kraft dinner).
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thursday September 10, 1987
Hart & I lunch at Singer's. Wrote a small math quiz. Selected our instruments for music class - I got Trumpet. Already assigned a project for History class.
Tuesday September 8, 1987
Back at school - the launch of grade 8. I was in Mr. Lewinsky's homeroom. I went to lunch at McDonald's with Ron Fleming, Monique, Hart, Milberg, Thomas, Jody, Shelly P & Poster. My folks snuck me into The Untouchables with them @ Yorkdale.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Monday September 7, 1987
Labour Day. The last day before school restarts. I played doubles tennis with Ulrich vs. Al and Colin at German Mills Courts. That night I schooled dad in ping-pong.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Sunday September 6, 1987
Played tennis with Gabe. I went to Jon's Bar-Mitzvah. Now if I could only remember if that was Jon Cohen or Jon Poster ....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Saturday September 5, 1987
Played tennis with Gabe @ Rockford. Then watched U.S. Open tennis all day - Connors, McEnroe, Becker, Lendl and Gilbert all won.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Friday September 4, 1987
Damon Loeb, Hart and I went downtown - walked along Yonge St. After dinner I went to Mac's with Marc. Watched Wilander's match at the US Open (he won).
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