Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday November 30, 1990
In English B we worked on writing serial stories. I went to Kelsey's with Al & Jordi. Then we went back to Jordi's later and played Nintendo and drank a few beers.
Thursday November 29, 1990
We watched/analysed The Cosby Show in English A. Roast beef for lunch. Watched TV and did my Math assignment.
Wednesday November 28, 1990
I wrote my Math test. We played basketball in Phys-Ed class. Bologna sandwiches for lunch. Played cards.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tuesday November 27, 1990
I wrote a Physics test in the afternoon. We played basketball in Phys-Ed. I ran into Kamin, who I hadn't seen or spoken to in a while, on the bus home. After dinner studied for my Math test.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Monday November 26, 1990
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday November 25, 1990
I studied and went to Nino D'aversa with mom, dad and Gabe. Gabe left to go back to London and we went over to granny's place.
Saturday November 24, 1990
I went with Gabe and Erez to the Toronto Reference Library. I worked on my English A essay, Law questions and studied for Law, Math and Physics exams coming soon! We then went to see Opportunity Knocks. Ouch.
Friday November 23, 1990
Gabe came home for the weekend. I went over to Sorbara's house with D Scott, Eremita, D Scott and M Field. Jordi called to let me know that John Kordic came over and crashed at his place!!!
Thursday November 22, 1990
Thanksgiving Day in the US. A perfect day for a History test. Lasagna for lunch. I played a little basketball after school. Had dinner and then watched Cheers and The Simpsons.
Wednesday November 21, 1990
We had our pictures taken for the yearbook. Cheese and bacon sandwiches for lunch. Sandro gave me a ride to Lawrence station. I watched the Leafs v. Capitals game (Washington won 5-3). John Druce had 2 goals and an assist.
Tuesday November 20, 1990
We presented the horror stories we wrote in English B. We played volleyball in gym class. I rented and watched Planes, Trains & Automobiles.
Monday November 19, 1990
Sunday November 18, 1990
Jordi, Al and I went to Golden Griddle for breakfast (unfortunately not the one in the video, but the one on Woodbine, just north of Steeles). After breakfast we headed to German Mills for a great road hockey game:
Me, Brian, Rog, Ulrich & Al versus Jordi, Newman, Ryan F, Brad, Brett & Rob.
Me, Brian, Rog, Ulrich & Al versus Jordi, Newman, Ryan F, Brad, Brett & Rob.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday November 17, 1990
Jordi and I went shoe shopping at the Promenade and Soles. Serge, Wolfson and I went over to JJ's house. We watched This is Spinal Tap and sparred with JJ's karate gear. Later on we went over to the Crescent Breakfast Party (Paula & Lundy, Steve & Emma, Sevag & Christine, Damien & Dana, Nessa & Sorbs, D Scott & Katrina, etc.).
Friday November 16, 1990
We had fish for lunch. In Phys-Ed I had my volleyball skills test. I went a big party at Gill's house. A bunch of people were there - Matt G, Al, Amanda, Brad, Burnett, Casey, Fingret, Fisch, George S, Ilan, J Dyan, Jordi, Josh K, Katzin, Krista B, Lainie, Levine, Milberg, Poster, Rachel S, etc.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday November 15, 1990
Boring day at school. I went to Newmarket with Jordi to see the Saints beat the Adirondack Red Wings 2-1. John Kordic got a goal and Rob Cimetta (Crescent alumnus) got an assist.
Wednesday November 14, 1990
Meatballs for lunch. I played basketball at lunch and volleyball in Phys-Ed and after school. I had dinner at home and watched the Leafs beat the Caps 5-3.
Tuesday November 13, 1990
Monday November 12, 1990
We had a school assembly and Marcel and Jason did this hilarious rap! I had a Physics lab. Hamburgers for lunch. I handed in my essay for Society class. Ed Olczyk's first return to Toronto as a Winnipeg Jet.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday November 11, 1990
Remembrance Day. I went to the library and back to National Gym with mom and dad. Granny came over for dinner.
Saturday November 10, 1990
Had breakfast at JJs and then went home. I relaxed around the house. After dinner I went to Kelsey's with Jordi and Al to watch the Leafs lose 5-1 to the Blackhawks. We then went to National Gym at midnight for the huge sale they were having. Toronto traded Ed Olczyk and Mark Osborne for Dave Ellet and Paul Fenton.
Friday November 9, 1990
[Note - we were now fully into drinking and places that served under-age or were lax with fake ID became well known and spread amongst all the kids ... that is how we ended up going to random places like The Red Lantern!]
Jen Burdoch,
M Shankman,
Rachel S,
Monday, November 08, 2010
Thursday November 8, 1990
Wednesday November 7, 1990
Played basketball at lunch. We listened to the song "Ohio" in English A class. I studied and talked to Brian on the phone. N.Y. Rangers and Sabres game on the Buffalo channel.
[Note - My English A class was with Mr. Martin Cruttwell, a fantastic teacher. At the end of each class he would select a student who would have a song with lyrics printed out and then we would listen to the song and discuss its meaning. This is where I really learned to look deeper into art to understand connotation.]
[Note - My English A class was with Mr. Martin Cruttwell, a fantastic teacher. At the end of each class he would select a student who would have a song with lyrics printed out and then we would listen to the song and discuss its meaning. This is where I really learned to look deeper into art to understand connotation.]
Tuesday November 6, 1990
Math test. Handed in my English B "opener" (public speaking). D Scott, Sorbara and I went to Havergal dorms to see some girls they know, then we had dinner at Sorbara's house. His mom is an incredible cook!
Monday November 5, 1990
We talked about Immigration in Law class - great discussion! Studied for my Math test, but took a break to watch the 3rd Period of Bruins 3 Rangers 2.
Saturday November 3, 1990
I volunteered to help host the Senior Volleyball Tournament at Crescent with Munroe, Lundy, Mihalidi, Sergio, JJ, D Scott, and Peter L. In the evening I went to Sing Sing with Katzin, Al, Brian, Brett, T Diamond, Shana, Lisa S, Belinda, and J Zac ... wicked!
[Note - Sing Sing was the first karaoke place I ever went to. It was at College Park and served under age.]
[Note - Sing Sing was the first karaoke place I ever went to. It was at College Park and served under age.]
Friday November 2, 1990
I wrote a Physics test. I went to see Marked For Death at the Promenade with Jordi, Al, Brian, Brett, Sesel, Brad, Guy and Mark. After the movie we all went to Golden Star for late night eats.
Thursday November 1, 1990
United Way Fair at the school. I participated in Crescent Gladiators (a take on American Gladiators). Chile for lunch. I wrote a History test. Played ball hockey with Pepper and then watched the Red Wings beat the Leafs 5-4.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Wednesday October 31, 1990
Halloween. We played floor hockey with a bunch of the grads*. I scored 5 goals. Pastrami for lunch. I did a bunch of homework.
[* grads denotes Grade 12 students]
Tuesday October 30, 1990
We had "air-bands" perform at assembly ... hilarious! We watched Fred's volleyball video in Phys-Ed class. I got my Mid-Term grades: 5 As and 3 Bs. Did homework and watched TV.
Monday October 29, 1990
We began media studies (looking at magazines) in English A class. Lundy gave me a ride to Finch station after school. I watched Quebec v. New York on TV.
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