Grub Day. Played house league soccer against Hudson House. Went to the Village after school with Fred, Rich, Sandro, Webster, and Lundy. Watched Olympics and did homework.
[Note: Grub Day meant we could where regular clothes - not our usual uniform]
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday September 29, 1988
Computer Science quiz. Geography test. After school went to "The Village" with Rich, Fred, Lundy and Heissler. Played ping-pong with Gabe. Mom left for Hungary and Holland.
Wednesday September 28, 1988
Gabe's 18th birthday. Meat pie for lunch. Had a volleyball scrimage against the 1st team.
Tuesday September 27, 1988
Did a 2 mile run in gym class. Ran around the Post Road area --- crazy houses. Prepared for hockey pool. Had volleyball practice after school.
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Monday September 26, 1988
Geography project was due. Handed in my rough notes for English. We played volleyball against Holy Trinity and won 3-2. Did homework. Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal because of steroids.
Sunday September 25, 1988
I went to the North York Public Library to do homework. Saw Ken Ng there. I went to Dairy Queen after to grab a Blizzard. Leah & Izzy came over for dinner. Watched TV and prepared for the hockey pool.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Saturday September 24, 1988
Huge road hockey game: Kamin, Brad, Brian, Sesel, Guy and Yan (11) defeated Me, Jordan, Newman, Perki, Mark Owen and Pearl (10). Patel and J Berman came by. Played tennis with Brian - lost 6-3, 6-4. Did math homework.
[Note: not sure if Shelly and Jody came by or walked by ... and maybe waved. Also, this may have been the first time I met Sesel, a new immigrant from South Africa.].
[Note: not sure if Shelly and Jody came by or walked by ... and maybe waved. Also, this may have been the first time I met Sesel, a new immigrant from South Africa.].
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday September 23, 1988
Fish and Chips for lunch. I was put into Wolfe House. We played house soccer and Wolfe went 0-2. We had a volleyball scrimage against the first team (grade 11 and 12) and lost 3-1. After volleyball I went to Baskin Robbins at York Mills plaza with Chilikoff, Tim Kim, Marcel, and Sacks. Ben Johnson won the gold medal and broke a world record in the 100 meter. Take that Carl Lewis!
Thursday September 22, 1988
Had panzarottis and salad for lunch. Volleyball practice after school. Deratnay and I were late. Parents ordered Chinese food for dinner. Did homework and watched Seoul Olympics.
Wednesday September 21, 1988
We got subs for lunch. Voleyball game against Upper Canada College (UCC) - we won 15-0, 12-15, 15-4, 15-8. Did homework. Watched Olympic volleyball: US defeated Argentina 3-2.
[Note: the rules of volleyball have since changed. Back then you could only score points on your serve. Now a point is scored regardless of who is serving.]
Tuesday September 20, 1988
We got hot dogs for lunch.I made the volleyball team. After school I got my uniform - #6. Yom Kippur dinner. Did some homework. Watched Olympics.
[Note: Crescent had a cafeteria where we were provided a meal. I never had to pack a lunch. Everything was served with milk. In grade 9 we were asigned to specific tables that had 8 guys (2 x grade 9, 10, 11, 12). I'm not lying when I tell you every single guy at my table was above average height/weight and on the rugby team. You would not believe how skinny I was in grade 9!]
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday September 19, 1988
My first day at Crescent School. Volleyball tryout after classes. Mom took me to buy school supplies after dinner. Did homework. Ryan and Jordan called to see how things went.
Sunday September 18, 1988
Watched more Olympics. Played tennis at German Mills courts. Brian and I defeated Brett and Al 6-1.
Saturday September 17, 1988
Went grocery shopping with mom. Prepared for the hockey pool. watched the Olympics - diving, swimming, volleyball, basketball and gymnastics.
Friday September 16, 1988
I went to my volleyball tryout. Gabe started school at York Mills Collegiate (moved from Thornlea). I took the bus to York Mills and had lunch there with him. Gabe and I then went to Thornlea to catch up with friends. I saw everyone and then went over to Jordi's place for dinner. We watched the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
Thursday September 15, 1988
No volleyball tryouts. I still had soccer tryouts. Not looking good ... we did laps and I was nowhere close to most of the guys. The coach Stuart Cumner seems to be big on conditioning. Played ping-pong with dad and Gabe.
Tuesday September 13, 1988
Sevag and I went to both the volleyball and soccer tryouts. Then a group of us - DB, Nebile, D Scott, Pat, and Ken Ng - went to Village Variety at Yonge and Lawrence after. Hung out waiting for Havergal girls to come by. Played ping-pong and did some math preparation.
[Note: I was basically going from grade 8 math to grade 10 math, so needed to do some prep in advance. Since Crescent had no grade 13 they pretty much were teaching a grade ahead.]
Wednesday September 14, 1988
I found out I made the first cut for the volleyball team. Went to the Village with Sevag, Deluce, and Lundy. Played ping-pong. Mom and I went to Town & Country and then swung by granny's apartment to water her plants.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Monday September 12, 1988

School starts in 1 week, however I went to Crescent for soccer and volleyball team tryouts. Met some good guys and a bunch of us hung out at Village Variety (Yonge and Lawrence) after tryouts. Got a letter from grandma. Played ping-pong with Gabe.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sunday September 11, 1988
Huge road hockey game. Gary and Marc Berman, Brian, his 2 cousins, Poster, Cliff, Evan and Brett. We all went to McDonald's after. I watched Mats Wilander defeat Ivan Lendl 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4 to win The U.S. Open and take over the #1 ranking. My favourite tennis match of all time. Rosh Hashanah dinner.
Saturday September 10, 1988
We had our soccer final - we won 6-0 to take the league championship. I got a trophy. Mom, dad and Gabe all there. Slept over at Gary's house. We ordered pizza for dinner and watched TV.
[Note: I didn't know him at the time, but Sevag is in the middle picture on the opposing team. Sevag would end up being a good friend at Crescent School.]
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Friday September 9, 1988
Crescent School Orientation Day. Great day! The school is amazing and met lots of cool people. Played ping-pong. Paul and I went to see Eight Men Out. Grandma left to U.S.
Thursday September 8, 1988

Mom and I went to Crescent to buy a gym shirt, shorts, sweater, tie and socks from the tuck shop. Gary and I played tennis at German Mills, then went to say hello to our old teachers. Met up with Brian and Gary Don. Went over to grandma's for dinner.
Wednesday September 7, 1988
Gary and I went to The Eaton's Centre. We ate at Druxy's and I bought a pair of Nike Airs. We had our soccer semi-final game and won 6-2, although I got a red card. MTV Awards.
Tuesday September 6, 1988
Gabe, Mom and I went to Town & Country and The Promenade. Ate Saint Cinnamon - delicious! Mom ended up with a flat that Gabe and I went to get fixed.
Monday September 5, 1988
Labour Day. The Hockey Show finished. Stayed home to watch Mats Wilander defeat Mark Woodforde in the US Open. Played Nintendo at Marc's in the evening.
"Andre Agassi's forehand is not the biggest weapon in tennis today. Mats Wilander's brain is". (Jay Berger, Quote of the Year, 1988)
Saturday September 3, 1988
Gabe and I went to The Promenade to buy shoes. We didn't get any. Dad took Gabe and I to see The Moscow Circus at the CNE - it was fantastic! Babysat for David Zemilman.
(Note: To this day my mother calls me "Mr. Decision Maker" because it would take me a long time to find shoes I like.)
(Note: To this day my mother calls me "Mr. Decision Maker" because it would take me a long time to find shoes I like.)
Thursday September 1, 1988
Went downtown with Paul and Jordi. We stopped in at National Gym. Gabe and I went to Fabricland to get name tags. Steven and I played Nintendo at Marc's place.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Wednesday August 31, 1988
Picked up school shirt and pants at Beatties. Grabbed lunch at McDonalds. Gabe and I kicked the soccer ball around, then we played Nintendo baseball with the guys from the hood.
Tuesday August 30, 1988
Played road hockey at German Mills with Cliff, Poster, Ulrich, Alpern, and Perkins. Grabbed lunch after at Open Window Bakery. Watched TV and played ping-pong with Gabe.
Monday August 29, 1988
[Note: Sorry for the delay folks ... was in Montreal and then was really sick for about a week]
We had our quarter final soccer match v.s. Glen Shields and won 7-0! I had a sweet assist. Gabe and dad came by to watch. Gabe, mom and I went to the plaza at Lawrence and Bathurst. I got into a major fight with mom.
We had our quarter final soccer match v.s. Glen Shields and won 7-0! I had a sweet assist. Gabe and dad came by to watch. Gabe, mom and I went to the plaza at Lawrence and Bathurst. I got into a major fight with mom.
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