Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday November 30, 1987
Book Report Due. I ate lunch at Singer's place. Played volleyball. Dad and I played ping-pong.
Sunday November 29, 1987
I went to dad's gym w/him. He played squash and I just swam and chilled in the sauna. Did homework. I watched a bit of the Grey Cup Final. The Argos lost to the Edmonton Eskimos. I listened to the Rangers game on AM radio.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday November 28, 1987

Bram Rubinoff's Bar-Mitzvah. I went to see Leafs 2 Whalers 4 @ Maple Leaf Gardens w/Paul, Katzin, Guy, and Brett Massey. We waited in the special spot (that I discovered a few years earlier!) to get the visiting team autographs. We got all the key players, including Ron Francis and Kevin Dineen.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday November 27, 1987
We made these mini-hockey sticks in our IA class with Mr. Mallette. Ended up playing mini-hockey with Gary, Ryan, etc. and then we hatched the idea to go into business creating these little sticks. 20 years a 20 million dollars later ... um ... no ... somehow our mini-stick empire never actually got off the ground. However, I think I might still hold the patent!
I got A+ on my Math Test (A+ get so dull after a while!).
Played road hockey after school w/ Bri, Poster, Ron, Evan, Tesis, Al, Singer, & Ulrich. Weird ... I can't picture Singer with a hockey stick in his hands.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday November 26, 1987
Wednesday November 24, 1987
Finally had our first volleyball exhibition game vs. Willowbrook. We beat their asses 3 to 1. I faintly recall spiking the ball into Sid Lisser and Shawn Saltzman. Felt amazing! Leafs beat Rangers 5-3.
Tuesday November 24, 1987
Friday, November 23, 2007
Monday November 23, 1987
Sunday November 22, 1987
Bryan Ulrich's Bar-Mitzvah. Brian & I went public skating. That night Ron & I hung out at Ulrich's place.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saturday November 21, 1987
I was invited to 3 Bar-Mitzvah's on the same day: Katzin's, Singer's & M Levine's. I went to Dave's which was OK and then went to Katzin's which was great! Ended up spending most of the night with Tammy, Bresgi, and Nikki Jacobs.
Friday November 20, 1987
We had a class trip to Roy Thompson Hall. We had a debating competition and I won my debate on free trade. A bunch of us played foot hockey after school. Played outside in the backyard with Pepper.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday November 18, 1987
Current Events Project Due. We played some intense Red Ass at lunch. Volleyball practice after school. Gabe and I played some marathon ping-pong matches.
Tuesday November 17, 1987
I went over to Singer's place for lunch. I got an A+ on the French Test. After school I hung out at Markham Place with Ron Fleming. Watched TV.
Monday November 16, 1987
We started houseleague volleyball at school. I got a detention with Mr. Lewinsky - our new homeroom teacher. That night I watched Hartford vs. Montreal.
Sunday November 15, 1987
Lazy Sunday. Watched TV. I did some work in the yard - raked leaves etc. I worked on my current events project. It was the hockey pool trading deadline. I believe I had Yzerman and Gary had Savard.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday November 14, 1987
Bram Goldstein's Bar-Mitzvah - which was great! Played road hockey w/Marc, Steve, and Ilan on my street. Handed out some more flyers with Gabe. Cleaned my room.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday November 13, 1987
French Dictee. Another volleyball practice (sheesh ... dd we ever play games?). Talked to Jordi on the phone. I watched Miami Vice - in my mind it was by far the coolest cop show to hit the boob-tube. It's no surprise that Michael Mann went on to direct a bunch of unbelievable films.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday November 12, 1987
I got a detention after school with Fish ... can't recall who that is but what a dick/bitch? After that when down to Windsor Court to play road hockey w/Cliff, Tesis, Newman & Brian. That night I watched the Winipeg Jets vs. NJ Devils.
Wednesday November 11, 1987
Tuesday November 10, 1987
I played soccer at lunch with Gary, Cliff, Poster, Jakub, Singer and Brian. Started playing the trumpet in music (was given my instrument to take home). Did homework.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Monday November 9, 1987
Rememberance Day speech tryouts. I went for lunch at Singer's. The guys VBall team played the girls team. I watched Gotcha (ironically we played the Gotcha game at work this week).
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sunday November 8, 1987
Garage sale day 2. Played ping-pong. Watched TV. Spoke to friends on the phone.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Saturday November 7, 1987
I made $12 at our garage sale (which is like $100 today). Watched hockey on TV. I took Pepper for a major walk in G Ross Lord park. Gabe & I picked up his car from the shop and then went to visit our grandparents.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Friday November 6, 1987
French Test. I got a 92% on the history test. Played baseball at lunch - got into a scrap w/Bri ... not sure how I have managed to stay friends with that pain in the ass. I watched Sixteen Candles. Oh sexy girlfriend !!! Love that Long Duk-dong!!!
Thursday November 5, 1987
We played baseball at lunch. Had a basketball try-out after school. I took the bus home with Gary Don. Went to Peter's for a haircut ... this was a place I was getting my hair cut since I was about 6 years old. The Karry boys were also fans. Watched TV.
Wednesday November 4, 1987
Math & History Pop Quizes (got a B+ on the math). Another volleyball practice. I went to Markham Place w/Briski. Watched the Leaf game.
Tuesday November 3, 1987
I actually made the first cuts in basketball. I had volleyball practice after school. Played ping-pong with Gabe. I traded Federko/Simmer for Goulet/Kerr in my hockey pool ... sweet move!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Monday November 2, 1987
Handed in my science lab book & project. I went over to Singer's place for dinner. We ended up watching The Breakfast Club - one of the touchstone films of my youth. John Hughes rocks my world! Dave lent me a few Beatles tapes (Revolver, Abbey Road).
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sunday November 1, 1987
Delivered mom's flyers with Gabe (is it me or were there some child labour law violations being broken here). Mom & I went out for lunch then back to grandma's place. The Zarvinsky's came over for dinner.
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